Tuesday, October 27, 2009

13 Weeks

Well, not much to report about this week. I have had a few days where I felt like I needed to throw up and really wished I would have just to get some relief, but for the most part, I feel pretty normal and not really pregnant at all!

I have had a few instances where I am fairly positive that I felt my tiny baby moving or rolling. I think it was unmistakably baby and not gas! I can't wait to feel him/her moving throughout the day and know my baby is alive and well!

I have an appointment in 2 days with my high risk OB, Dr Thorpe. This is for a Nuchal Translucency Screening Test. It consists of a blood test and ultrasound. It is used to determine whether you are at risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality, such as Down Syndrome, trisomy 13 or trisomy 18. I can't wait to see my baby actually looking like a baby! I am also curious as to what the baby will measure, as it measured 7 days behind where it should be based on my last period. Hopefully my tiny tike has miraculously caught up!

I was hoping that they could also give me an answer to the gender of our little angel. I know it will be too early to tell, but I am still hoping!

I will post pictures from the ultrasound on Thursday!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I am so sorry for your losses. That is great Dr. Thorpe is helping you, him and Dobak are very good doctors. I wish I could see him for this pregnancy, but since we are a military family Tricare will not pay for it unless something is wrong with this baby as well, so we are out of luck. I meet my regular doctor tomorrow and am very anxious about it.

    Thorpe is such a good doctor, we were his first case of Potter's and it hit him very hard. He was very shaken up after she was born and he found out. We saw him a few months after she passed and he just looked so defeated, like he failed us. He didn't though. No one could of caught it without knowing what to look for.

    I am so glad Thorpe is your doctor! I wish I could call him and talk to him, and tell him we are doing ok. He is such a nice doctor. I really hope everything goes great for you tomorrow, and thank you so much for contacting me! My email is on my profile so feel free to send me an email sometime. **HUG**

