Tuesday, October 13, 2009

11 Weeks!

Well, I waited so impatiently for 11 weeks to come so I could take my Intelligender Gender Predictor. Here is the result I got:

So...according to this, it's gonna be a GIRL! Of course, I was hoping it would say this but I'm taking it with a grain of salt and trying not to get too excited! It was fun and now I just have to wait to see if it is right.

Now to recall everything I said about not being sick during this pregnancy....week 10 hits and the bottom drops out! I haven't actually thrown up but been pretty nauscious or it may be better explained as "sour stomach." At least I'm not yacking my guts up, just feeling like I might...

On another note, I've always heard that the more times you have been pregnant, the sooner you can feel your baby move. Call me crazy, but I've felt this baby move. I know it is supposed to only be 1.5"-2.5" long, but I swore I felt shim yesterday and then again this morning. Who knows.... I know with the baby I miscarried at 17 weeks, I felt him moving at 12 weeks. I've read online that it's possible, so who knows...

My regular OB appointment is next Tuesday, I should be 12 weeks! Woo Hoo...Good Bye 1st Trimester!

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